DISCO Help Centre Support Center

Using Channels

Channels are a great way to organize your content in DISCO. They allow you to store it in parts, and manage and access it easily.

In This Article

When should I use Channels?

You can create a Channel for anything. For example, you could create a Channel for covers or instrumentals, for a catalog or artist you represent, or for a particular client or project. 

To keep things extra organized, you can also create sub-folders within each Channel:

Creating Channels

There are a few ways to create Channels:

1. From the sidebar

Just click the + icon next to the Channels title in the left sidebar.

2. From the menu of any Playlist or Track

You can create new Channels on the fly from the Track and Playlist menus: 

3. From Settings > Channels

You can create channels in Settings > Channels. Settings are available from the top right menu.

Adding, removing and editing sub-folders

You can add sub-folders to your channel by clicking the icon on any channel in the sidebar: 

Then select Add folder:

This will bring up a window where you can name the folder:


You can edit and remove sub-folders by selecting the   to the right of the sub-folder name. Note that removing a sub-folder will remove also remove all its tracks from the channel.  

Adding music to channels and sub-folders

Just as there are a few ways you can create Channels, there are multiple ways you can add music to your Channels and their sub-folders. 

1. Drag and drop:

Drag and drop any Track, Video, or Playlist from the Explorer to the left side of the screen. This will open the sidebar, and you can then drag your item into a Channel or its subfolder:  

2. From the menu of any Playlist, Track, or Video:

3. From the Save Playlist menu:

Managing channels and permissions

You can edit and delete channels by hovering over the channel in the sidebar, and clicking on the three dot icon: 

This opens a pop up where you can:

• rename the channel

• delete the channel 

set channel permissions

Channel permissions let you control who can see and edit the channels in your DISCO. 


Channel managers can delete channels or change their settings. (Members can still add and remove tracks and playlists.)


Members see the channel in their DISCO, and can add music to the channel and remove music from it, but can't edit or delete the channel.

You can also manage channels in the Settings > Channels section. You can find more on channel permissions here.

Sharing channels and folders

On certain plans, you can share channels and folders. Find out more about sharing channels and folders here