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How to use Inboxes

With DISCO Inboxes, you can receive files from others directly to your Inbox and save them to your DISCO. People can send you files in two ways: 

Receiving music via Inboxes cuts out the endless cycle of downloading and uploading, and lets you focus on other tasks.

Personal and Team Inboxes

There are two main types of inboxes in DISCO: your personal Inbox (labeled "Inbox"), which is unique to you, and a Team Inbox, which is a general Inbox for your DISCO team (if you have one). You can find these in the left sidebar:

Finding your Inbox URLs

Each Inbox has its own unique share URL – a public page where anyone with the link can send files directly to you, even if they are not a DISCO user!

To find your Inbox URL: expand Inboxes, select the desired Inbox, and click on the Copy Inbox URL icon:

Inbox Notifications

When your Inbox has received files, each Member of the Inbox will receive a notification from the Notification bell in DISCO:

Managers of the Inbox will receive the Notification in DISCO, as well as an email notification:

The sender will also get a confirmation email telling them their files were sent.

Additionally, there will be a notification badge on the Inbox in the left sidebar:

Adding content from your Inbox to your DISCO

By default, content you receive in your Inbox is not automatically added to your DISCO, meaning it does not appear in your Browse section and is not visible in searches.

To add content from your Inbox to your DISCO, simply click the star icon to Add to Starred Items

This content will now be visible in both your Starred and Browse sections and will appear in Search Results. 

Alternatively, you can add Inbox content to your DISCO by dragging and dropping it into the Playlist Creator and saving it as a playlist. 

Removing content from your Inbox

To remove content from your Inbox, click the X to Remove from Inbox.

This will remove it from your Inbox, but if it was already added to your DISCO, it will still remain in your DISCO.

If it was not already added to your DISCO, it will be removed from your DISCO and this message will appear asking you to confirm:

Note: Clicking the three-dot menu and selecting Delete playlist or Delete track from DISCO will delete it from your Inbox and from your DISCO, even if it had been previously added to your DISCO. 

Custom Inboxes

On the Pro plan and above, you can create Custom inboxes. These are handy to use for a particular collection of content you work with that delivers files regularly, or maybe a project you're working on. Create custom inboxes under Settings > Inboxes.

Note: The person who created the Inbox becomes a Manager of that inbox.

Managing Inboxes

Only Managers of Inboxes can Edit settings, or Delete inboxes. To do this, go to Settings > Inboxes and open the menu () next to the Inbox.

Edit settings includes: