DISCO Help Centre Support Center

Viewing your content from the Browse and Starred sections

At the top of the left sidebar, you will see two main views: Browse and Starred

1. Browse

Browse is a feed of all the content on your DISCO that you have access to (excluding Playlists from Inboxes that haven't been imported yet). There are four tabs in the Browse view: Playlists, Tracks, Albums, and Artists

The Browse section is the first column in the Explorer. Clicking on the content in Browse opens a second column in the Explorer, and clicking on content in that column opens another column. This workflow is designed to help you navigate seamlessly through your previous choices, and speed up the process of creating new Playlists.

You can click on Browse anytime to refresh your DISCO and load any new content.

2. Starred

Starred is a feed of your Starred items in your DISCO. These items include any content that you have uploaded yourself in DISCO, or that you have added to your Starred items (by clicking the star icon). 

Starred allows you to keep track of what you've sent and to curate a personal collection within the larger team collection. 

Like Browse, there are four tabs in the Starred view: Playlists, Tracks, Albums, and Artists.
Like Browse, Starred appears as your first column in the Explorer.

You can easily switch between Browse and Starred from the left sidebar.

To move items from an Inbox to your DISCO, you can Star them, and they will appear both in your Browse and Starred sections.