DISCO Help Centre Support Center

Password protecting your Playlists

To make sharing your Playlist more secure, you can protect it with a password. 

Note that this is a premium feature not available on all subscription plans.

Setting a password for your Playlist

There are two ways to set a password for your Playlist:

From the Playlist Share menu:

  1. Open the Playlist menu ().

  2. Select Share.

  3. From the Security tab, set the Password protect toggle to ON (it should appear green).
  4. Input a secure password and click Save Password.

  5. Send the password to the recipient using a secure method, as it cannot be sent via DISCO.

  6. When the recipient accesses the password-protected playlist, they will see a field to enter the password: 
  7. Once the recipient enters the password and clicks Open playlist, they'll be able to access it. 
    Note that once you set a password for a playlist, all share links for that playlist will require that password for access.

From Playlist Settings:

  1. Open the Playlist menu ().

  2. Select Playlist Settings.

  3. From the Playlist Info tab, under Security Settings, set the Password protect toggle to ON (it should appear green).

  4. Input a secure password and click Save Password.

  5. Click Save Playlist.

  6. Send the password to the recipient using a secure method, as it cannot be sent via DISCO.

  7. When the recipient accesses the password-protected playlist, they will see a field to enter the password: 

  8. Once the recipient enters the password and clicks Open playlist, they'll be able to access it. 
    Note that once you set a password for a playlist, all share links for that playlist will require that password for access.

Disabling password protection on a playlist

To disable password protection for a playlist, follow the steps above from either the Playlist Share menu or Playlist Settings, and set the Password protect toggle to OFF (it should appear gray).